My “To-Do’s” at-the-moment (16/5/2022)

In short, I’m kind of… seeking to meld my digital and personal presencae together somehow, in a manner that promotes personal growth and curtails the dumber aspects of digital life. I don’t anticipate getting back heavy into social media sites that encourage users to flesh out a persona there. I’d really rather have my own space to define and, in that way, set limits on how much interaction I actually need to put in.

There are all kinds of reasons I think this is a better format, but amongst them:

  • I usually have more to say than 280 characters, a few photos, or a clip… it’s a pity that no s.m.s.’s facilitate hypertext in any reasonable way
  • Having more control/insight into how my context gets assembled, I can better organize and reformat media for presentation/archiving (back and forth in that way)
  • Rather than utilizing the pithy and incongruous nature of major social media presentation modes to construct the not-awfully-complex-but-nonlinear-and-visual-in-nature strains of thought I suffer, we can all suffer together

It’s a desire and a dream – two things at once… some kind of diary, but also a public embarrassment. By which I mean I’m going to, like, try and learn all of the web development and stuff here also. I’ve been sitting on some good ideas for a long while and it’s finally time that I’ve found the guts all to stand behind’em.

I’ll probably talk more about that later. Idk. Anyways, so like – here’s just my current to-do list, pretty much for the next couple of weeks. Writing this all out was actually kind of a lot better and more calming than I’m used to; generally, organizing myself is a process beholden to whatever stakeholder is educating my ass or paying my bills… but this is all for me, and for us (incl. my wife and my cats) and for whoever else is interested.

I’m blessed to be in a position where I have enough savings, practical investment, and minimized cost-of-living that I can put my years of therapy to use and assert my own will into the world. Because, if not so….. then what?

Digital Presents
  • Update my ‘about’ section to reflect updates to aboutnesses
  • Sketch up some kind of site map, and outline intentions
  • reorganize this ugly ass site while i’m at it
  • Flesh out my public twitter s/t it can be lived in ✓
  • Step back onto mastodon (*for whatever reason)
Personal Business
  • Job Exit Task #1 (Ploy)
  • Job Exit Task #2 (Sure)
  • Job Exit Task #3 (Service)
  • Job Exit Task #4 (Learn)
  • Touch up the resume ✓
  • Remain flexible, strong, and long-winded
  • Till raised garden beds
  • Inoculate some new half-pint jars
  • Write a couple of AxiDraw scrips for playing on stroke fonts
  • Establish a shared house routine ✓
  • Seek integrated self-defense knowledge
  • Start a ‘proper’ (minimal input, in-shed greenhouse) cannabis grow
  • Actually be Going to Sleep
  • Update my EveryDaySwallow ✓
  • Wrap a recording
  • Package said wrapped rec
  • Arrange my TidalCycles reference sheet of drum patterns
  • Understand how modifying and playing amongst multiple reverb channels in SuperCollider w.r.t. Tidal
  • Set up a notebook to map Casio DG-20 output into trigger space
  • Reestablish my Raspberry Pi home server
  • Dig back into the local makerspace