[first skim] only acting

earworm: only acting – kero kero bonito

yesterday was really stressful, taking our three cats in to have their teeth cleaned… y’know i just always hope they’re not too scared and whatnot… didn’t help that i had to sign a document stating “if any of the cats die its whatever” (approx.) – aubrey assured me it’s standard paperwork for anyone being put under anesthesia, which makes sense to me on account of the fact that nobody knows why or how it works.

they’re all back now, little spots on their forearms shaved. danglars took a while to come back around in accepting that today’s a normal day, but he has and is sunbathing accordingly.

texted more than i have in years in the span of about twenty minutes… new friends! it was fun. gonna do more of it. curious to know if any of my legacy friends like to text. maybe this is the year i’ll get added to a social groupchat.

i’m really excited for the hat i’m making for a friend of mine. worked on it on tuesday, wrapping it up tomorrow.

feeling a little sick myself rightnow hopefully it isnt covid 🙁