And Then – And Only Then – Will I Know

Earworm: Sondre Lerche – What Makes Me Tick
Now Playing: Operation Ivy

Snow day!!!!!! We love it.

I’m more productive from home; the lighting in that office is fucking awful. We’ll see that soon enough, I guess it’s just a matter of time with regard to how much sickness is gonna get passed around that office. I don’t love that my adversity towards getting sick has heightened acutely in the past few years but it’s warranted, isn’t it? So be it.

It occurred to me just earlier that ‘developing a voice’ is a… thing. And like – my instinct is to reject the impulse out of Cringe, which sucks in itself for its own reasons. So in rejecting THAT with intention, maybe it’s voice development time!
Not that I haven’t been developing a voice my entire life, offline and online, but like. We’re gonna lean into it now.

Aubrey and I talked a bunch about the PC last night and really got into media management, which I’ve been retrenching myself into recently. I think this’ll be the time we really do nail shit down, and start Building; that’s all kind of been in line with getting my notes consolidated into a new app, clearing out and retooling my google drive for certain file syncs, and overall aligning my drives with my time and my intention.

Everything I create will contextualize, undergird, and build the next move. I’ve got half a mind that my cognitive peak(s) may be behind me to a degree, but considering the deeper learned links I figure it’s all still in there in some form or another… from 31, here on out we’re just unfurling the remainder of all that’s wound me up thus far. “All I know is that I don’t know nothing” – if I’m gonna insist on continuing to flap my gums, I may as well sing & get sweet with it