Dream, Baby, Dream

Earworm: Trick Question – Slow Club
Now Playing: Fred Wesley & the J.B.’s, “Damn Right I Am Somebody”

This last week or so has been so (relatively) busy, I love it! Visited KC to meet up with a good friend in town for a conference; observed the lunar new year with friends; picked up a new game I might get obsessed with? (Barony); potentially gearing up to finally play my ‘Yam, King of Crops’ full album cover in June; plus actually watching the big football game was sorta fun lol

Regarding the new lunar year, I burned away some old hangups related to old traumas and poor self-perception schemas. I’m reconfiguring to be more straightforwardly engaged in relationships, dedicating myself to inhabiting my days in a positive/affirmative manner, and casting some wishes out to stars. Based on how things came forward, I think the 4 letter word fetish (and the pairs/quads of such) might take a backseat to be reserved for restrictive notions and a new 3 word (any length) paradigm for constructive worldbuilding.

This week I’d like to:

  • start putting my new seasonal calendar together
  • practice YKOC plugged in & singing
  • cycling a couple of days
  • be more on-time (read: lightly early)
  • reply to a couple hanging messages (hairdresser, former coworker, MB, AP, sister)
  • start preparing package for my brother’s birthday

We might buy a table & chairs, which would mean we’d have real chairs in the house. Wild thought!