true cost [first skim 24 feb 2023]

earworm: take five

i’m having a decent one so far;

  • stayed in bed because it felt good
  • zipped off to the makerspace to finish my hat (for a friend)
  • took care of some house things in a decent way
  • getting on to some studying now

listening through ‘dawn of everything’, i’m so entranced and inspired by the depiction of early american/european contact before the colonies really started up heavy – the french monk couldn’t even halfway make a coherent argument to his indigenous american interlocutor that there’d be benefit in leaving the small ‘c’ communistic lifestyle of the uncolonized americas behind to live in a monied society, with such frivolous hierarchies of respect and needless personal tragedy in the name of personal responsibility.

apparently western anthropological tradition has, for centuries, taught that texts documenting conversations such as these were not literal (as there is every supporting reason to believe that they are), rather that the author is merely making use of non-europeans in a demonstrative manner, as a literary flourish, to evade censure by the church or the state.
