He Wears Short Skirts, I Wear T-Shirts

Earworm: I’m not even going to link it but god damn it’s a good ass Song

Re-establishing my schedule for the month, so I’m re-evaluating what I want to be working on.

I think my Makerspace membership is running out soon, so I’m gonna join a much less expensive A/V-centric makerspace and also drop my payments to the local DIY venue/practice space, which was $45/mo (for unfinished warehouse space and no promise of quiet) and paying instead $65/yr for a studio that they ask you to book out 48hrs in advance (but has very little activity at the moment, it’d seem). The only downside is I’ll be losing a little bit of storage… but thankfully Aubrey agrees with me that stacked amps make decent decor.

So, to enumerate now what I believe I’m gonna make explicit time for in my schedule for the rest of the month:

  • Job applications
  • Local Business Podcast
  • Noise recording and editing – my warehouse space recordings can get compiled into their own release
  • Gratis website, and my own website (for fun!!!)
  • Home media server
  • What I’m calling my “digital hardcore” project; adapting folk songs/others into hxc format, with MIDI guitar and live bass and programmed drums
  • Scanning in my grandfather’s “funny stuff” folder (full of printouts of things he thought were funny)

I had a really nice time hanging out with some new(ish) friends at the queer swimming hole; my first time in a pond in a long time, but I came away with only a single bug bite and no critters up my nose. Honestly, like; I was having a terrible day beforehand, just stressed about the new situation, but afterwards I really did feel completely new. That was so god damned nice. In particular it was great to spend time with a particular couple of guys, who it seems are my same kind of gentle. I heard word that they might be looking to move out of the area some time soon but it’d just be so nice if they didn’t… man I hope they stay. But this is what making connections is all about, you make new connections that lead you on to others and eventually you just end up with Friends. I know at least a few folks in my circle now have every intention of staying within the area, and that’s comforting.

In addition to slotting in the activities I’ve outlined above, I’d also like to get back to writing on here more frequently. Writing some poetry as well. Maybe I’ll make a hidden little compartment somewhere for the curious to find. Idk.

All love to the web,
– Ben